All girls love Montbazillac in Paris.
Gwladys Galloy, a Champagne-born French lady and die-hard fan of Winesona, tells how she fell in love with wine. It was not for a chablis as cold as a French woman could come across, but for a Montbazillac popular as hell in Paris. Her taste has evolved since then, but she always lives in her own "taste".
Who says you have to follow what others think classy? You define your own as you evolve.
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How to remember a wine?
Tiffany XY Wang, founder of Winesona, unveiled how she remembers a wine. She associates wines with personas around her, through the shared sentiments wines and people present to her.
You will and you shall have your own way. Who cares about "leather" taste if that "something rotten in the basement" helps you remember a wine, that's a real win! Say it, who dares to say you are messing around, send them Winesona way!
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