We are socialites of taste, no-bullshitters, and genuine wine aficionados.

Our Sonalites of the Month.



Sonalite 5, a real pioneer with Winesona

New Jersey born, Ramya was for the longest time a NYC socialite in the hat of a no-bullshit private equity investor.

Absolutely a foodie and wine aficionado, she loves hanging out with friends, colleagues and of course her fiance, over wines.

She recently moved to Austin, Texas!

Winesona: Sherlock Holmes
Nature: Charming complexity


Just like Sherlock Holmes, you are intrigued by the intricacy.

The earthiness, oakiness, and herbaciousness - what scare usual wine drinkers away - attract you like a puzzle to solve.

A wine without astringency is like a life without spikes.

You are into the tannins that give your wines the structure and power.

"I show this at the wine store, and i get the wines I like!" 



Sonalite 621, a man who holds his beers and says he loves wines too

A world traveler and polyglot, Lucas returned to school last year pursuing PHD at Berkeley #gobears!

Life of party but once a serious renewable energy fellow at ARPA-e, Lucas shows off his wind turbine tattoo sometimes at afterparty!

Winesona: Le roi soleil (louis xiv)
nature: passionate embrace


Just like Le Roi Soleil, you are into boldness and richness, of a wine.

This dominant winesona is featured by an obsession
with tannins.

Yet, you have a rather high propensity for acidity.

For you, a wine without acidity is like a life without spikes.

"I like how winesona tells me types of wines I like instead of a particular wine!" 

Sonalites gather together

for more fun experience. 


"I actually love meeting new friends who have different tastes and explore new tastes with them." 

- Jennifer, Sonalite 1000